A few illustrations for a book about Hogmanay and other scottish New Year customs and traditions, selected down to 28, from about 42, and largely done during two weeks. They were all made on the iPad, mostly from tiny pencil scribbles in the margin of the script, first ideas, jotted down as I read.
The Little Book of Hogmanay is a feast of information exploring the history, folklore, tales, customs, food, drink and celebrations of Hogmanay, from its pagan roots to its pagan present. Whether you need a user's guide or an anthology of entertainment, The Little Book of Hogmanay will tell you all you ever wanted to know about Scotland's most widely, and wildly, celebrated festival.
The book is another by Bob Pegg, published by The History Press Ltd.
The Publication Date was the 13th of August 2013. Price: £7.99.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Click here for some of the images.