A collection of things which
we have found to be useful
or just worth keeping.
Elimination Diet For Food Allergies
Procedure: Starve for 18 - 24 hours before commencing basic diet, water can be consumed during this period.
Basic Diet - …
Rose Marshall, Never to be forgotten
Forgive me if I have already contacted you but for those to whom I have not spoken during the past few days I am writing …
Home Brew
Taken from a recipe given to Rose & Bruce Marshall, from an old couple in Wharfedale. First Brewed by John Hodkinson …
A Newt on the path up Nab Scar
This was Found while walking up the path on Nab Scar above the house.
Monday, 11 February 2008
Scattering on Nab Scar
A quiet place above Hart Head Cottage and Rydal Water.
Celia Fox scattering the ashes of Joan Fox who lived in the …